Supporting Complementary and Alternative Veterinary Medicine

Truly integrative veterinary care (Complementary and Alternative Medicine, or CAM, alongside conventional veterinary treatments) broadens the boundaries of what is possible for our animals.

We value conventional medicine tremendously and see significant benefits in using CAM appropriately alongside it. Using a variety of modalities can improve our animals’ welfare by tailoring treatment more closely to each individual’s needs.

This can also reduce the need for more toxic options, delivering broader environmental benefits.

CAM4animals is passionate about the benefits of this approach and is here to help people learn more about it.

Integrative (sometimes known as holistic) vet care can play a crucial role in optimising your animal’s life from in the womb, birth and right up to death, making each life stage as straightforward and supportive as possible.

We are a 100% volunteer-run, consumer-driven organisation promoting CAM and integrated veterinary care in the UK.

Please browse our website to learn about CAM treatments, read blogs about them in action,  and how to access them. It is a resource for animal owners and guardians, vets and practitioners alike.

*CAM covers a wide range of well-respected treatments (or “modalities“) that are used in veterinary (and human) healthcare.  Examples are acupuncture, herbal medicine, hydrotherapy, physiotherapy, homeopathy, osteopathy, chiropractic treatment and massage therapies or bodywork. See our Modalities page for more information.

CAM in action …

Explore our blogs

Anxious dog
skin problems
success stories

Have you got a success story for us?

Have you got a happy horse who was saved by an Osteopath? A dog who can run again after Acupuncture? A rabbit who recovered quickly using Photizo? A cat who is no longer incontinent due to homeopathy? ...

We would love to hear about it. Vets and animal owners/guardians of the future need to understand what can be achieved.

With your support, we can show them - it is important!

Time to Ditch the Ball Flinger

We may need to rethink the way in which we exercise our dogs. It might be tempting to throw a ball as far as possible for your dog using a ball flinger but there are potential dangers!  Being full of the joys of spring can turn into a sudden disaster for the dog chasing the ball, or an insidious build-up of stresses and strains over time. Yasmin Porritt of Yorkshire Pooches Therapies explains more and suggests alternative exercises and enrichment you can do with your dog to keep them fit and healthy.

Poetry book


The human-animal bond is incredibly strong and has been ever since we began domesticating and caring for animals. This anthology of poems has been published to celebrate this, and to raise money for CAM4Animals.

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For each sale of a product or service, CAM4animals may also receive a donation. Another easy way to support us.

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We need your support

We want more people to know about veterinary CAM. In order to promote and ensure greater access to it, here’s how you can help and join in the conversation …

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